
Thislineoftheoryarguesthathigherexposuretotradedgoodsincreasescompetitionamongheterogeneousfirms,leadingtoareallocationofresourcestowards ...,Ineverymodeloftrade,thereisanimprovementinaggregateproductionandconsumptionefficiencywhenaneconomymovesfromautarkytofreetrade.Thisis ...,Tradebarriersreduceeconomicefficiencybydiscouragingbusinessesfromimportingorexportingproductsandservices.Thetradebarr...

Does trade play a role in helping to explain productivity ...

This line of theory argues that higher exposure to traded goods increases competition among heterogeneous firms, leading to a reallocation of resources towards ...

Economic Efficiency Effects of Free Trade

In every model of trade, there is an improvement in aggregate production and consumption efficiency when an economy moves from autarky to free trade. This is ...

How does international trade increases economic ...

Trade barriers reduce economic efficiency by discouraging businesses from importing or exporting products and services. The trade barriers on high exports may ...

How Lowering Trade Barriers Can Revive Global ...

2016年6月20日 — New research indicates that easing barriers to international trade and foreign direct investment (FDI) could boost productivity and output.

How Trade with China Boosts Productivity

2017年5月24日 — Trade improves productivity in three important ways. First, imports expose domestic firms to greater competitive pressure, while giving them ...

International (Global) Trade

It provides consumers with a variety of options and increases competition so that businesses must produce cost-efficient and high-quality goods, benefiting ...

Stronger Open Trade Policies Enable Economic Growth for ...

2018年4月3日 — Countries that are open to international trade tend to grow faster, innovate, improve productivity and provide higher income and more ...

Trade and Productivity

由 F Alcalá 著作 · 2004 · 被引用 1436 次 — We find that international trade has an economically significant and statis tically robust positive effect on productivity. Our trade measure is imports ...

Trade and the MDGs

The standard rationale is that trade liberalization improves efficiency in the ... Trade liberalization does not automatically increase trade, let alone growth.

Winners and Losers from International Trade

2019年7月18日 — Substituting more efficient for less efficient firms increases average productivity and so is good for the economy as a whole. Consumers and ...